第三章 (13)-《少爷的三个女人》

    看更多诱惑小说请关注微信  npxswz        各种乡村  都市  诱惑  
    after dinner, aster you unfortable?" jiaxing road:have aster air tourlay, a young lord younot read too latestudy,earlythe rest. "

    jiaxing闷闷a daze for  his heartno pasa matter for  aster . "jiaxing wentlookthe lap looked.桕-han said:do not bother you, you said, iout."

    jiaxing road: "  xin qian road phrase: "pleaseout, inot wanthear you speak." jiaxing red e, never mindnot nest gas." qian xin road, weeping: "out, younotout, i killeor you. "she really hit the较真 you do,  "kneeling e. "qian xin下了床tears tears, she did not eve wanthear ustth  talking abouingering story  startfinisian listenedhis story, onths and year, this tim you and i?" jiaxing nodded, "oh,see you agai days, ing good not mind, i fear that she take things too hard,has bee for themyou, take e? "han桕road:" the young masterfind large speak, inot want ethinored."

    tian xin: "the今儿you e,tin road: " here, myself obediently  blankets."桕-han said: "hey, hey, e' the body. "xin tian road:" inot have得脱off off off still.老虎洞you into,not listenme,eat you. "xintian ?" han桕road: "if younot listenas you, i a, good woman ing, his akeup, the : "良人;      first halfthe eveningintendeddense acoms fro kiss loarthliness obtained before,

    talk about thi  distraught mood disorder, and ino for the heartsour minds,speak out abouthad never been invented language poems qiao,  poetr ade of.

    requests from the桕-han, said: "great ade from the poetry!" qian xin: "the slightest bitpoetry, ino" han桕 for you?" qian xin fearthe poem folded paper, ""桕-han said: "oh,not let big ing, she dressed you better?"桕han road: "no playing seven fairy makeup than the united states, ally not seen youa long-jun, and e goesyou, right and its peoplea reason-han桕giraid you are not reasonable? "桕han:" the elder brother's wife man ji, i did not lookgood,  ,  johnson, ah自惭形秽. "jin road, she and her ethe the morning's' boastpeople 'not too good." jin took her mind shouting: "shenouel-ing houses, "to the big ethin, your plexion good,  thaonth was only the spring, the outside press you. "

    jin took her: "the old lady afraidyou upset, toldto eatto acomingmustto make end lee did not let her go. "qian xin road:" ;      after breakfast, old lad went, even though her heartnot happ ple masternuns面善xin qian boast,iood ore than donate money incense, the templethe masterthe boastendles(;  看更多诱惑小说请关注微信  npxswz        各种乡村  都市  诱惑